Site Visit Summary

My obstetrics and gynecology site evaluator was Carlos Melendez. I submitted three H&Ps as well as ten pharm cards and a journal article with a summary. I also had two additional SOAP notes because I thought I would be doing four SOAPs instead of one H&P, so I included it as well. While I have done individual site visits in the past, this was the first one that was in-person for me, so it was a new experience. During the first evaluation, I was quizzed on my first five pharm cards. I focused my pharm cards on drugs that I saw my first week, which was during GYN and OB overnight call. I chose drugs that I was unfamiliar with or did not have a good grasp on, in hopes to better understand them after reviewing and being quizzed on them. I presented one H&P during this visit, which was an emergency department consult that I actually saw with Professor Melendez when I was on my GYN call with him. I really enjoyed presenting this case, as I was able to see the patient in the emergency department and saw the patient later that night go to the operating room because of an ectopic pregnancy. It was beneficial to see a case from start to finish and I was content in that ectopic pregnancy was the first diagnosis on my differential. On my second evaluation, we discussed one of my additional H&Ps, my journal article and pharm cards. Overall, it was a great experience to be able to discuss the cases I saw and be able to discuss OBGYN related drugs in more depth.

During my second evaluation, I presented a journal article that was published in 2018 that is a report on prenatal care utilization in the United States in 2016. I presented this article after seeing a patient, my second H&P, who was a 19-year-old and 18 weeks pregnant with no prenatal care for this pregnancy yet. I wanted to investigate and learn more about the prenatal care trends in the United States and whether there are any recommendations or ways providers can try to get patients to participate in prenatal care earlier. It was certainly interesting to read about the current US trends and understand who may be at higher risk for inadequate prenatal care.

My OBGYN site evaluations were unique in that it was my first experience with an in-person site evaluation. It was also different in that Professor Melendez was my site evaluation, preceptor and a PA that I was able to work with on several occasions. This allowed for discussions about patients we saw together as well as broader discussions on how I can improve as he evaluated me not only as a site evaluator/preceptor but also while we were in the room with patients. After my site evaluations, I plan to continue working on pelvic examinations, my ultrasonography skills and remembering the pertinent information to include in an OBGYN patient’s history and physical.